April 13, 2021
IMPORTANT UPDATE: Please note that as the City is responding to the current COVID-19 health crisis, it is important to keep members of the public, the Commission for Historical and Architectural Preservation (CHAP), and staff as safe as possible. For that reason, we will conduct this meeting as a remote video conference meeting through WebEx. We will continue to update you as needed.
A recording of the hearing can be found here: https://livestream.com/accounts/17371294/events/9670462
12:30 Briefing Session
Chairman’s Report, Committee Reports, Staff Reports
1:00 Public Hearing
Minutes – March 9, 2021
Baltimore City Historic Preservation Guidelines
Request: Approval of Design Guideline revisions
Staff: Caitlin Audette
3535 Clipper Road (Woodberry Historic District)
Request: Concept Review – Construct a four-story apartment building
Applicant: Gordon Godot, AIA, JP2 Architects
Owner: 3535 Clipper LLC
Staff: Walter Gallas and Caitlin Audette
100 West Franklin Street/502 Cathedral Street - New Psalmist Baptist Church and Parsonage (Baltimore City Landmark)
Request: Rehabilitate parsonage and construct third story rear addition
Applicant: Martin JW Marren (Architect)
Owner: Ministry of Good Shepherds LLC
Staff: Lauren Schiszik
Staff Report
Scope of Work
46-48 South Carrollton Avenue (Union Square Historic District)
Request: Construct two-story addition atop existing first floor
Applicant: Noble W. Baier
Owner: 46-48 S. Carrollton LLC
Staff: Walter Gallas
640 Melvin Drive (Ridgely’s Delight Historic District)
Request: Construct rear addition and raise roof
Applicant: Neil Junker (Consultant)
Owner: Division LLC - Decceco Dockins
Staff: Walter Edward Leon
100-106 West Lexington Street (Five and Dime Historic District)
Request: Install new curb cut, driveway, and garage opening on building façade
Applicant: Tim Klempa, Urban Design Group (Architect)
Owner: Central United Management
Staff: Stacy Montgomery
3213 Bancroft Road (Bancroft Park Historic District)
Request: Concept Review - Construct a rear addition
Applicant: Bruno Vaughn Reich, AIA
Owner: Nathan Jakobovits
Staff: Walter Edward Leon
105 Warren Avenue (Federal Hill Historic District)
Request: Retain vinyl windows installed at front facade without CHAP review/approval
Applicant/Owner: Megan Nolan
Staff: Walter Gallas
1724 Thames Street (Fells Point Historic District)
Request: Concept Review - Construct two new additions and a rooftop deck
Applicant: Thames Street Holdings LLC
Architect: Twopoint Studio, LLC
Staff: Walter Edward Leon
5914 Greenspring Avenue - Carroll Hunting Lodge (Baltimore City Landmark)
Request: Reconstruct rear ell demolished without permits
Applicant/Owner: Reuben Flax
Staff: Lauren Schiszik
Staff Report
Proposed Materials
1426 Hollins Street (Union Square Historic District)
Request: Reconstruct portion of building demolished without permits
Applicant: Marcus D. Livingston, Jr.
Owner: Respectful Realtors LLC
Staff: Walter Gallas