January 9, 2024
The Commission for Historical and Architectural Preservation
Hearing Agenda
January 9, 2024
The January 9, 2024 CHAP Hearing will be held in the Phoebe Stanton Boardroom at 417 East Fayette Street, 8th Floor.
CHAP encourages the submission of written testimony before the hearing; testimony should be sent to eric.holcomb@baltimorecity.gov by 5 p.m. on January 8th so it can be incorporated into the staff report and distributed to the Commission before the hearing. There will also be an opportunity to provide testimony in person during the hearing.
If you require special accommodations to participate in the public hearing, please contact Eric Holcomb at eric.holcomb@baltimorecity.gov at least five business days before the hearing.
12:00 PM Briefing Session*
- CHAP Committees Updates
- 2023 Year in Review
- Discussion of Westside in Downtown
- Overview of December Agenda Items
1:30 PM Public Hearing
- Approval of December Meeting Minutes
- Approval of Final Agenda – January 9, 2024
Frederick Douglass High School – 2301 Gwynns Falls Parkway (Baltimore City Landmark)
Request: Concept Hearing: Construct three additions
Owner: Mayor and City Council; Baltimore City Public School System
Applicant: F. Thomas Lee, Samaha Architects
Staff: Lauren Schiszik
1001 Hollins Street (Union Square Historic District)
Request: Construct rooftop deck and doghouse
Applicant: Tamara Hicks & Nelson Calderon
Staff: Tyriq Charleus
2:00 PM**
1420-1428 W. Baltimore Street (Union Square Historic District)
Request: Construct rooftop decks, rooftop stairwell and elevator shaft pop-up; remove historic elevator tower
Applicant: Foot, LLC
Staff: Tyriq Charleus
*Please note that part of the briefing session may be closed, as per provisions of the Open Meetings Act.
**Agenda items will be heard in the order listed. All times are approximate and may start before the posted time.